Let’s Get Started

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Get started with Personalized Services
Create an Account and Register
Visit any one of our New Mexico Workforce Connection centers in the Central Region by phone or in person
Bernalillo County (Albuquerque)
501 Mountain Rd NE l Albuquerque, NM 87102 l 505.843.1900
Sandoval County (Rio Rancho)
4061 Ridge Rock Rd SE l Rio Rancho, NM 87124 l 505.771.2160
Torrance County (Moriarty)
777 Central Ave (Old US Route 66)l Moriarty, NM 87035 l 505.832.6774
Valencia County (Los Lunas)
121 Don Diego St. SE Suite A l Los Lunas, NM 87031 l 505.588.1571
Feel free to contact us via email at nmworkforceconnection@wccnm.org
Receive Assistance / Guidance
Get started with a New Mexico Workforce Connection career counselor who can assist you in-person, by phone, or by video conference to help structure a path to success.
individuals interested in education/training:
We’ll help you explore WIOA services such as tuition assistance and on-the-job training (OJT) opportunities. We will provide information to get you started including:
- A pre-recorded Program Orientation and also a Labor Market Information (LMI) Workshop
- Documents that you must complete to determine eligibility
- Access to the Eligible Training Providers List (ETPL)
- Financial Assistance Information/Scholarship Opportunities
- Success stories that will help you see the value of pursuing WIOA assistance
Youth/Young Adults (14-24):
You will meet with a New Mexico Workforce Connection Youth Development Practitioner (YDP) in-person, by phone or by video conference to help structure a path to success Note: If you are under 16 years of age, you will need a work permit for employment and/or work experience opportunities. Your YDP can assist you, you can email us at nmworkforceconnection@wccnm.org or call any of our centers listed above.
Veterans and Eligible Spouses:
You will meet with a New Mexico Workforce Connection career counselor in- person, by phone or by video conference to determine your eligibility for various programs and structure a path to success. We provide priority service to all veterans and eligible spouses who receive services under any qualified job-training program funded in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Individuals with Disabilities:
Learn about the New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Use our many onsite computers, office equipment and other resources
Get started with Online Services
Create an Account and Register
Explore Online Resources
Career Exploration
Explore promising careers and the types of jobs in those careers
Find job opportunities that offer apprenticeship programs
Explore paid and unpaid internship opportunities
Personal Needs
Explore services that range from Unemployment Insurance and financial assistance to transportation and childcare