Resources for Job Seekers and Employees
We offer access to a wide variety of resources for job seekers and employees.

Education & Training

Unemployment Insurance

Financial Assistance & Scholarships

Personal Needs

Education & Training Assistance
Job seekers, employees and potential new hires can receive education, training and support services through the WIOA Adult & Dislocated Worker and the Youth programs.
If you have employees or potential new hires who will benefit from additional education, below are links to adult basic education resources.
Youth and young adults (16-24) can receive no-cost education and career technical training through the U.S. Department of Labor’s Job Corps.

Unemployment Insurance Assistance
For those employees who will be laid off, cut back or terminated, they may qualify for Unemployment Insurance.
Unemployment Insurance is administered by the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (NMDWS). You and/or your employees can log into your Unemployment Insurance account by clicking the button below, or you/they can call the NMDWS Unemployment Insurance Operations Center at 1-877-664-6984.
Unemployment Insurance is administered by the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions (NMDWS). New Mexico Workforce Connection (NMWC) does not administer benefits, but we can:
- assist your employees with general information
- connect your employees to the resources needed to apply and certify
- help your former employees become re-employed
Visit our Contact page for information.

Financial & Scholarship Assistance for Education
Your employees can apply for monthly cash to help with such needs as housing, utilities and clothing through Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), also known as NM Works (YES New Mexico).
If you have employees or potential new hires who will benefit from growing their educational skills, below is a FREE application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) for college or graduate school financial assistance.
Graduate! ABQ is a FREE coaching service available at New Mexico Workforce Connection centers to support adults who have never been to college or who have some college credit and have not yet finished a degree or certificate. They offer resources and information to help with funding and scholarships.
CNM has many scholarship programs for both new and ongoing students.

Personal Needs Assistance
New Mexico Kids makes it easy for your employees to find information related to:
- Early childhood professional development
- Training and technical assistance
- Educational resources
- Childcare
- Home visit referrals
Your employees will find these partner resources to be helpful in meeting your everyday and workplace clothing needs.
There are several resources that will help your employees provide meals for themselves and their families.
For those employees seeking housing, the following resource will be a great place to start.
Don’t let transportation needs get in the way of hiring qualified employees in need of transportation. Check out the link below.